Dr. Chatelain's New Book


Dr. Chatelain offers keynote lectures, moderates panels, and presents workshops around the world. If you are interested in inviting Dr. Chatelain to your campus or community, consult this calendar first to determine her availability. She hopes to see you at her next event.

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Feminisms Unbound: The Dark Room

In the intellectual tributary that is critical race theory, all is connected.  Whether the task is elucidating the gendered trajectory of imperialism and violence in the United States, examining indigenous art forms in Latin America, or probing the interstices of Caribbean cultural production in the 20th century, critical race theorists have always engaged the world of the visual.  Bringing together scholars invested in the work of critical race studies asvisual culture offers a unique vantage point through which to imagine the future of visual culture studies. The Dark Room is an interdisciplinary working group of scholars interested in theories of visuality and theories of racial formation.   In this roundtable each feminist scholar will select an image and interpret it in relation to its archive.  With Nikki Greene, Irene Mata, Kimberly Juanita Brown, and Sandy Alexandre.